
The Dialysis Patient Citizens (DPC) Education Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and the affiliate organization of Dialysis Patient Citizens (DPC). Founded in 2012, the Center is led by a board of directors composed of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients. 

Our board, staff and volunteers are truly dedicated to the cause and bring a diverse set of skills and backgrounds that help sustain our mission. 

We have already accomplished so much. We've established a once-monthly education call schedule where leading health experts present on topics critical to the CKD and ESRD patient, classrooms on topics important to the health and wellness of CKD patients, as well as a renewed partnership with community partners such as the American Psychological Association to bring engaging and informative content to web visitors. We continue to develop new educational resources to help put DPC’s 30,000+ members in better control of their health. Upcoming goals include:

  • Launch a mentoring program, so patients can receive feedback and support from their peers;
  • Add a new Learning Management System, to encourage health professionals to take advantage of our patient-centered offerings;
  • Develop innovative tools that enable patients to become more active participants in their care decisions;
  • Produce educational resources in multiple formats and languages to help increase our reach;
  • Conduct outreach and develop resources that reach underserved patients and new markets;
  • Promote prevention and wellness activities to delay the onset of kidney failure, while better preparing patients for the transition to dialysis and transplantation; and
  • Explore policy interventions to increase patient engagement in their care.