Board Members

Nancy Scott


I am from Newark, Delaware and am a registered nurse, an ordained minister, and I was an in-center hemodialysis patient since my kidney disease diagnosis in 2004 until I received a kidney transplant in the spring of 2012. I have been involved with DPC as a Patient Ambassador, Secretary of the Board, Vice President of the Board, and I currently serve as both the President of the Board of Directors and Chair of the Education Committee.


Beyond my DPC involvement, I serve as a patient representative of Advisory Board at ESRD Network 4 and a Chairperson at Henrietta Johnson Medical Center for Clinical Evaluation Committee. I established a support group to encourage better communication between clinic staff and patients, and have traveled to Washington, D.C., to meet with lawmakers. Before joining the Board in 2007 I was honored to receive the DPC Hero Award.

Nancy continues to focus on the prevention of renal disease through education. She continues to address the causes of renal disease by communication with providers, church groups, civic associations.  When you know better, you do better!  In addition, renal patients must also be educated to ensure better quality of health. Knowledge is empowerment!

Julie Crandall

Vice President
I was diagnosed with End-stage Renal Disease at age seven.  My dialysis journey began at the age of eight.   Since then I have been on both Peritoneal Dialysis and Hemodialysis and have received three kidney transplants. After almost 14 years on my third transplant, I returned to hemodialysis and continue to receive treatment three times a week.
During my time on hemodialysis, I attended and graduated college with a degree in Business Administration.  I also continued to work full-time post college as a technical support agent. I became active in my community theater, where I was cast in every production during my time with the Prairie Players theater company, where I also served on the Board of Directors. In addition to my degree in Business Administration, I have also received an AAS in Medical Billing and Coding in order to be a credentialed Certified Medical Billing Specialist. 
In addition to volunteering with the Washington County Republican Party and being actively engaged in my church, I have spent time volunteering with the National Kidney Foundation of Colorado, Montana and Wyoming (NKFCMW) and organized the first Northern Colorado Kidney Walk and Patient Picnic which received media attention in both Denver and my hometown.
I think at a young age, I decided not to let kidney disease dictate how I lived my life. I had goals I wanted to accomplish. Although I had to adjust my dreams a little bit, I still found a way to make them come true.  
I have not let kidney disease define who I am.  I have been able to fulfill dreams I never thought possible because of my commitment to learning about the disease and the wonderful support I’ve received from my family and friends. I want to do my best to help other kidney patients live as normal lives as possible and I strive to be someone other patients or their families can turn to with questions, ideas or concerns. 
With my membership on the Board of Directors for Dialysis Patient Citizens I am looking forward to this opportunity to work with my peers, who are as passionate as I am, to make a difference in the lives of so many.

Diane Brisbane


I grew up in the South Jamaica section of Queens, NY and was raised in a household and community that taught family first and service to others. This is the mindset with which I have pursued life. After getting my start as a nurses’ aide, I eventually advanced to EKG technician, and later to supervisor of the EKG department, and finally retired after 37 years of service. During the course of my career, I served on various committees to improve employee relations, educate employees, and unite the hospital and community, and I was recognized for the New York City Health and Hospital Corporation’s achievement award for bringing diversity to the work force, among other awards.

I have committed much of my life to being a parent to my two wonderful children and to being actively involved in the local community, and I have taken pride in those roles. So when I suffered a stroke in 2004, my life in those roles was threatened. It was only months later that I lost vision in both eyes, and in 2005, I was diagnosed with acute renal failure. This was hard news for my children because they lost their father to renal failure in 1981.

Although traumatic, I never had the chance to lose hope. My children stepped in with the unwavering determination, resiliency and faith they were raised to have. Surrounded by this love and support, I made it through those tough times and came out ready to make an impact on anyone I could help.

I continue to serve as a pillar in my church, serving as a senior usher and intercessor. I recently developed Single Mothers in Christ, a spiritually-based empowerment and mentoring program for single mothers of the church. Now, I welcome the opportunity to serve as a DPC Board Member, in hopes of providing preventive education to the world, serving as a voice of hope for survivors of renal failure and serving as a voice of consciousness to elected officials and health care providers.


Mike Guffey


I feel honored to be included among the DPC Education Center Board of Directors.

In 2008, this is not something I would have ever anticipated.  I went on vacation that spring thinking I had the flu or something similar and ended up hospitalized with kidney failure.  At that time,  I had no prior awareness of End Stage Renal Disease and found a lot of strength in the educational classrooms provided by Dialysis Patient Citizens. 

For almost four years, I was an in-center hemodialysis patient, while working towards a kidney transplant (which was an interesting journey on its own), and continuing to work full-time in the Kansas City, Missouri, area. I received a transplant four years ago. As a result of my professional background, I am always interested in emergency preparedness as it relates to dialysis patients and others with special medical needs, and have been a part of the Kidney Coalition for Emergency Prepredness.

Two things that have been key to my success on this journey are becoming educated about my situation and the strong support team I developed, both among dialysis clinic staff, other medical providers, family and co-workers. I have found that the most important things about dealing with ESRD are developing a strong support infrastructure and becoming as educated as possible about the disease.  One of the challenges is that there is a lot of conflicting information available about ESRD and how to treat it.  For that reason, I am proud to serve on this Board, as the Dialysis Patient Citizens Education Center is a great source for locating factual information to help educate ESRD patients, their caregivers and others in the kidney community.

In particular, I have been motivated by one of my late co-workers, who in spite of suffering through several serious medical situations in her life, never let those challenges get the better of her. She encouraged me to take control of the situation as best I could, and to not let the challenges get me down. I hope to continue bringing that attitude to my time on the Board of Directors.

Andrew Conkling

I was born with only one functioning kidney, as well as a host of other issues. When I was born, doctors told my parents there was no way I would live more than a day. When I made it two days, they were told that I would not live more than a week – wrong again! Then they were told that yes, I may live but I would need to be placed in a state facility. Fortunately my parents did not agree to this either. For many years, I had been told that I would need to start dialysis. Thankfully, through careful attention from much more qualified doctors and the grace of God, I made it until I was 25-years-old before I had to start dialysis. That was 10 years ago. During my time on dialysis, I went back to college and earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Political Science from Athens State University in Athens, Alabama. I am not eligible for a transplant so I am very interested in new technology including the possibility of a wearable kidney, or even stem cell research.

I am honored to have been elected to the DPC Board of Directors. I also have the honor of serving as the patient representative at my local clinic. Being involved is the only way to see the changes we need as patients to live fulfilled lives. Together I believe we can achieve great things for the needs of ESRD patients and their families.

Danny Iniguez

I have been on and off of dialysis since I was 12 years old and diagnosed with kidney failure as a result of a bicycle accident.  I was lucky enough to receive a transplant from my mother, which lasted for seven years until my body rejected it in 2000.  I was temporarily put on hemodialysis but now undergo peritoneal dialysis three times a week for 10 hours while I sleep.

I am thankful for dialysis because it has provided me with the gift of life. I am honored to have been given the opportunity to become part of a larger community of empowered patients, like DPC’s Board of Directors, who are continually working to improve the lives of patients just like ourselves.

During the period of time when I was on hemodialysis, I discovered my passion for really getting to know my fellow dialysis patients and helping them remain positive and optimistic. I began visiting my dialysis facility on my days off from treatment to visit with patients and help raise their spirits, and was even asked by facility staff members to speak at various banquets for other people who were also suffering from kidney failure. I have traveled from my hometown of Selma, CA to Washington, D.C. several times to lobby for important legislation for my kidney community. 

I am currently on the waiting list for another transplant, but I feel that being on dialysis has made me stronger and has given me a completely different outlook on life, even inspiring me to go to college to become a medical interpreter for Spanish-speaking people who may have language barriers in accessing their health care.

Fr. Pius Murray

My name is Pius Charles Murray, born in Worcester, MA but now from Somersworth, NH. I was originally named after my father (Charles W. Murray, Jr.) but added my confirmation name, Pius, legally as my first name at age 27 to differentiate my name from my father’s. There were two important influences in my life growing up. On the one hand, with three of my maternal grandmother’s brothers having entered the seminary (and two having been ordained priests), religion and a life of service to others played a central formative role in developing my values. On the other hand, my maternal grandfather was Dean (or the then-current term) of the Graduate School at Worcester State College in the 1960s. He firmly believed that education was the way to resolve social problems and overcome intolerance; he remembered the “No Irish need apply” signs on businesses’ windows. Those two strands, religion and education, have been the backbone of my life. I am a priest in the American Catholic Church in the United States, acting as God’s vessel dispensing His grace through prayer and the sacraments. Along the way, I have been blessed to obtain a substantial education which is used currently in my service on a number of local municipal boards in Somersworth, serving its residents. When, in August 2013, I was diagnosed with End State Renal Disease and began dialysis, I did not want simply to mope around. But it did take several years to see this as yet another God-given opportunity to serve God’s people. In the waiting room at the dialysis center what I go to is a poster from the Dialysis Patient Citizens organization. For a while, I simply looked at it without taking any action. As I became accustomed to dialysis, I wanted to demonstrate to myself and others that I could still contribute so I applied to become a Patient Ambassador. This experience was a refreshing reminder of my grandfather’s emphasis on education as a way to solve problems. Reflecting on my contributions to the various stakeholders in Somersworth by my service on various municipal boards and commissions, I decided that I would like offer my background to DPC and its 29,000 stakeholders. As a DPC board member and DPC Education board member, I will strive to utilize my talents advocating for better medical care for patients with kidney failure and developing new ways to educate the general public in issues relating to the care of kidney failure patients.

Jack Reynolds

My career in dialysis began when I “crashed” into renal failure December 1974 at the age of 22 years and I have elected to continue to dialyze 3 times a week in-clinic ever since. It was not until my involvement with Dialysis Patient Citizens that I began to understand and be personally committed to advocacy and sharing of information in regards to Medicare and kidney health-directed legislation. Watching our organization grow and continue to evolve has been a most positive education. The Patient Ambassador Program has helped me to connect with numerous kidney citizens across the country as well as my home state of Iowa. Regardless of what options for renal therapy that an individual may choose to utilize, it is important to remember the payment chain and how much our lifeline is dependent on adequate federal dollars to maintain optimal and accessible care. Dialysis Patient Citizens is truly committed to a healthy, educated, and empowered kidney citizen organization that represents all of the dialysis and CKD community.